Finciero - Personal Finances


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Manage your finances easily and totally free! Finciero connects automatically to the financial institutions, organizes and categorizes your transactions so you can spend your time analyzing and making decisions.- Track your full net worth including bank accounts, credit cards, savings, investments, loans, insurances, real estate and more.- Plan your dreams and save to achieve them.- Define and track category budgets.- Get notifications and recommendations about how to increase your earnings and reduce your costs.- Search and filter specific transactions within all your accounts.- Check a monthly projection of your expenses.- Is 100% free.
Integrated banks in Chile: BancoEstado, Banco de Chile/Edwards Citi, Santander, Bci, TBanc, CMR Falabella, Banco Falabella, Itau, Bice, BBVA, Security.
Next bank: Scotiabank
Use Finciero. Earn more and spend less.
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